Friday, April 27, 2007

Why Fat Makes Us Fat

We know that eating excessive amounts of fat..well, makes us "fat". But...have you ever wondered why that happens? Understanding what fat is, and what your body does with it, will help you manage a successfull weight loss program.

You know what calories are - they are that line in the nutritional information box on every food item you buy that tells you how much food energy a specific item of food has. And, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins all have a caloric count.

Up until this last century, the human race had always dealt with periods of "feast or famine", and the human body evolved over time to store what we ate to help get us through the "lean times" - and ounce for ounce, fat packs more calories - or "food energy" than proteins or carbs. We've evolved over the centuries to "like" fat - because it is a very efficient food source. Fat contains 9 calories per gram of weight, versus 4 calories per gram of either protein or carbohydrate.

So...why don't we just eat small amounts of fat, and skip the proteins & carbohydrates? Simple. Protein is needed by your body for growth and repair, Carbohydrates are the fuel your body needs for activity, and fat is the "backup". Another way of looking at your body is to compare it to a nuclear reactor - and for your body to process both proteins and carbohydrates in an efficient manner, fat acts as the "control rods" to manage that reaction. Plus, you're body needs some fat to act as a cushion for your vital organs.

We know the body requires fat to operate, but only 25% of your total calories should come from fat. And less than 10% of your calorie intake should be saturated fat -the most damaging form. The problem is - your body finds it quite easy to take dietary fat you've eaten, and move it to your fat stores. For your body to convert protein or carbohydrates to fat - it takes energy - and actually, burns 25 percent of their calories in that conversion process.

Another way of looking at this is - your body requires a certain amount of calories per day to function - on average, somewhere between 1500-2000 calories. By eating a higher percentage of protein and carbs than fat - you'll burn calories with your diet. Fat, on the other hand, burns no calories as your body process it - so the higher percentage of fat in your daily calorie intake, the less calories burned during the day - and the fatter you become.

When you begin to decrease the amount of fat in your diet and replace it with carbohydrates and protein, even if you still consume the same amount of food as before, you will be consuming a lot fewer calories.

The best way to manage your fat intake is simple. Just learn how much fat is in the food you eat, and try to keep the total fat you eat during the day to around 25 % of your total calories - somewhere around 400-500 calories of fat per day. You can still enjoy the foods you like, but by being moderate in your fat intake, you'll find your attempts at loosing fat starting to pay off.

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

10 tips to finding the Best Home Gym Equipment

So, you’re looking at purchasing home fitness equipment! Yet, whether you’re looking for home gym equipment for your strength training, cardio workouts, or both – finding the best equipment for your needs can be a challenge. With so many choice to be made when looking at home gym equipment, how can you be sure you’re making the best choice for you? Here are a few points to consider:

1. For an inexpensive solution for strength training – many people start with a good set of free weights and dumbbells. Keep in mind that if you’re not familiar with using free weights, they can do more harm than good. To get the best results, it is essential that you use proper form and balance to avoid hurting yourself. So, if you choose this route, you should also invest in a good training program with a personal trainer – someone that can not only help you built a workout routine that will help you achieve your goals, but also show you the best way to use your equipment properly and avoid injury. Another way to avoid injury with strength training equipment, especially if you’re a beginner, is to choose a strength training machine, rather than free weights. Strength training machines allow you to maintain proper form as you exercise, which will help lessen your risk of injury. Plus, strength training machines don’t require a “spotter” – allowing you to work out alone.

2. Strength training machines are also a good choice if your home is “space limited”. You can achieve the same results with an “all inclusive” home gym unit, as you can with the more traditional weight stack or plates. So, don’t feel as though you need to duplicate the huge variety of machines you see at your nearby gym. Instead, look for equipment that exercises your main muscle groups effectively. Also look for equipment that offer optional attachments – with these, you can keep your initial cost down as you start out your exercise program, and then add attachments as your workout needs progress.

3. For your home cardio workouts, there are a number of choices available. Treadmills are great because they mimic an exercise that is both familiar and comfortable. Elliptical Trainers provide a low-impact cardio workout that protects your joints, and is a favorite activity for people who want a good cardio workout without a lot of pounding on the joints. Make sure when you’re looking at cardio equipment, you find a store that can help you match the proper type of equipment to your fitness needs.

4. Although your large “chain store” may offer basic home exercise equipment, a better choice is a store dedicated to helping you find the best equipment for your needs. This includes your being able to try out any piece of equipment before you buy it. Make sure that before you purchase any piece of home exercise equipment, that you feel comfortable with the way the equipment works.

5. Remember - you get what you pay for. You’ve seen the commercials for the most recent “equipment of the week”. It seems as though every time you change the channel, there is a new piece of home equipment advertised that will “give you washboard abs in 30 seconds”. The reality is, most of the equipment being advertised on these infomercials may be of dubious quality – at best. To get the best from your workouts, avoid injury, and avoid equipment breakdowns, it pays to invest in your equipment. Keep in mind that a good piece of home exercise equipment can last 10 years – and the cost of ownership over that time can be less than what you would pay for a health club. To give you an idea of what you should consider spending, for a decent treadmill, plan on spending at least $1,000 and, for a better than decent treadmill, between $1500 to $3000. There are some so-so models that fall under that price range but, if you buy a cheap treadmill, that's exactly what you're going to get. Choosing the right treadmill will depend on: 1) how much money you have, 2) any extras you want (programming, heart rate monitor, etc.), 3) what kind of motor you want and 4) how much space you have in your house.

6. One of the main “roadblocks” for some people when it comes to home workouts is – that it can get monotonous. At least when you’re running on a treadmill at the local gym, there are enough distractions to keep your time from becoming boring. Well, there are ways around that now. Boredom is one of the most common reasons why many people give up on regular
exercise. Some therefore say that they prefer the gym because of the entertainment available there. They can run on a treadmill while watching their favorite soap or cycle an exercise bike listening to current chart hits. But technology is advancing at an incredible pace these days. For example, True Fitness offers treadmills with a built in monitor on which you can watch TV, DVD's or listen to your favorite music.

7. Before you start any exercise program, it is important for you to also get checked out by your doctor. Never begin a strength training or cardio program without doing so under the supervision of a qualified physician to prevent injuries as you train.

8. Just because you have a basic understanding of your equipment when you take delivery of it, doesn’t mean you won’t have any questions a few weeks later. So, when you choose a store to purchase equipment from, check out the company's customer and support services. Call the advertised phone numbers to get an idea of how easy it is to reach a company representative and how helpful he or she is.
9. Also, get details on warranties, guarantees and return policies. A "30-day money-back guarantee" may not sound as good if you have to pay shipping on a bulky piece of equipment you want to "return to sender."

10. Finally, remember that no piece of fitness equipment works by itself. Remember that no exercise device can burn fat off a particular part of your body. To turn a "beer belly" into a "six pack stomach," you must combine sensible eating with regular exercise that works the whole body. The reason: Everything you eat has calories and everything you do uses calories. Your weight depends on the number of calories you eat and use each day. Increasing your daily physical activity will burn extra calories Regular exercise on your equipment, with proper form and proper fitness goals, combined with a healthy diet – is the key to your not only being happy with your equipment purchase, but your overall health & fitness levels as well!

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