Friday, October 10, 2008

Exercise - Are Your Workouts Working for You?

Do you know if your exercise program is working for you? Sure, maybe you've been working out for a little while. But, how can you be sure you're making any progress? What are the signs that you're doing things "the right way"?

If you assess your progress based exclusively on weight loss or loss of inches, you might be missing out on other important signals that could be fueling your motivation. Here are a couple other measures to consider:

Pace - As your fitness improves, you should find that the time it takes to run/walk a mile, either on the road, or on the treadmill, will gradually decrease, And, you should also find that you can maintain speeds that used to be a challenge, with less effort and heart rate than before.

Heart Rate Recovery - Remember your first workout? Remember that feeling that your heart was going to keep beating fast - forever? Well, as your workouts improve, you should find that your heart rate will now drop or return to normal much quicker than before. A good post-workout heart rate recovery of 25 to 30 beats in one minute is considered good, and 50 to 60 beats per minute is excellent.

Strength and Endurance - If you can run or walk three miles now, where before you could only do two, or lift a weight more easily than before, it's a sure sign your becoming fit.

Getting fit is about more than just losing weight or taking inches off your waistline. It's about improving your health, your endurance, your stamina and your strength. As you replace fat with muscle, your weight may not drop, but as muscle takes up less space than fat, you'll feel slimmer, more tone and stronger - and those are the measurements that truly help keep you motivated!

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