Saturday, October 27, 2007

Healthy Living – Prepare for the Holidays and Beat Winter Weight Gain

With the holiday season quickly approaching, you’re probably already thinking about how you’ll possibly make it through without gaining 10 pounds. Homemade stuffing, spiral ham, pumpkin pie and eggnog will beckon your senses and threaten all of the hard work you’ve put in over the past year. This season, be prepared with a five-point plan to beat the winter weight gain.

1. Keep exercising! When it’s 5 p.m., pitch black and cold outside, you’re probably more likely to want to curl up on the couch, watch television and eat some comfort food. Don’t let yourself get lazy. Hop on your treadmill for 30 minutes and stick to your schedule!

2. Don’t go to a party hungry. Fill up on high-fiber fruits and vegetables before a party to curb your desire for empty-calorie party foods. Eat baby carrots, salad or an apple so you can stay away from brownies and cheese logs. Social eating in an environment with a lot of food choices can lead to overeating and an overdose on calories. Prepare yourself and eat healthy foods before you go.

3. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is loaded with calories! Celebrations usually involve drinking and it’s easy to take in calories that you aren’t even aware of. Drink lots of water or diet soda to help pace yourself and dilute the calories from alcohol.

4. Don’t fall off the wagon. If you do happen to overeat, make up for it by cutting calories and exercising more for a few days. Keep in mind that 100 extra calories per day is the equivalent of 10 extra pounds per year!

You can still have fun. The holiday season is about spending time with friends and family. Just remember that you’re there to celebrate and not to eat a lot of high-calorie food. Make the most of your time and stick with it!

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