Healthy Lifestyle - Training Your Brain!
You want another reason to keep up with your workouts? How about this? Exercise trains your brain to stick to your diet!
University of Pittsburg researchers just did a study, where they kept track of 169 overweight adults for 2 years. Interestingly enough, those who followed their workout plan (which was only 3 hours per week of workouts) –well, they ate less than those who didn’t follow their workout plan. In fact, the ones that didn’t follow their program consistently ate beyond the 1,500 calories of food they were allowed to eat per day!
On top of this, the people that were not consistant with their workouts also had problems dealing with snack cravings. They would sneak snacks when they did actually workout, with further sabotaged their efforts.
According to John Jakicic, Ph.D. (the study’s author) – “One healthy behavior without the other will not work – you need to diet and exercise to maintain long-term weight loss”.
In other words, the more you workout – and stay on schedule with your workouts, the more likely you’ll also stick to your diet!

Labels: cardio exercise plan, diet, exercise behavior, workouts
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